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Miejsce na nalepkħ z kodem szkoþy PRìBNY EGZAMIN MATURALNY Z JĦZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO ARKUSZ I ROK 2004 Arkusz I Uzyskane punkty liczba uzyskanych punktw Rozumienie ze sþuchu 1. 4 2. 6 3. 5 Rozumienie tekstu czytanego 4. maksymalna liczba punktw Czas pracy 120 minut Instrukcja dla zdajĢcego 1. Proszħ sprawdzię, czy arkusz egzaminacyjny zawiera 12 stron. Ewentualny brak naleŇy zgþosię przewodniczĢcemu zespoþu nadzorujĢcego egzamin. 2. Obok kaŇdego zadania podana jest maksymalna liczba punktw, ktrĢ moŇna uzyskaę za jego poprawne rozwiĢzanie. 3. Za rozwiĢzanie wszystkich zadaı moŇna otrzymaę þĢcznie 50 punktw. 4. Ocena koıcowa dla poziomu podstawowego jest otrzymywana w wyniku pomnoŇenia przez 2 sumy punktw uzyskanych z tego arkusza. 5. NaleŇy pisaę czytelnie, tylko w kolorze niebieskim lub czarnym. 6. Oceniany jest tylko czystopis pracy pisemnej. Bþħdne zapisy naleŇy wyraŅnie przekreĻlię. Nie wolno uŇywaę korektora ani oþwka. 5 5. 10 6. 5 WypowiedŅ pisemna 7. Inf. 1. 1 Inf. 2. 1 Inf. 3. 1 Inf. 4. 1 Popr. jħz. 1 8. Inf. 1. 1 Inf. 2. 1 Inf. 3. 1 Inf. 4. 1 Forma 2 Bog. jħz. 2 Popr. jħz. 2 Suma 50 ņyczymy powodzenia! (Wpisuje zdajĢcy przed rozpoczħciem pracy) PESEL ZDAJġCEGO nr zad. ROZUMIENIE ZE SýUCHU Zadanie 1. (4 pkt) Usþyszysz dwukrotnie krtkie dialogi. PrzyporzĢdkuj podanym miejscom (A-E) poszczeglne dialogi (1.1. Î 1.4.). Jedno miejsce nie ma swojego odpowiednika. Wpisz odpowiednie litery w kratki (1.1 Î 1.4.) Za kaŇdĢ poprawnĢ odpowiedŅ otrzymasz 1 punkt. A. at the chemistÓs B. at a bank C. at the post office D. at the greengrocerÓs E. at the dentistÓs 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. Zadanie 2. (6 pkt) Zapoznaj siħ ze zdaniami podanymi w tabeli. Usþyszysz dwukrotnie wskazwki dotyczĢce nadsyþania materiaþw ilustracyjnych do BBC News Online. Zdecyduj, ktre zdania sĢ zgodne z treĻciĢ tekst (TRUE), a ktre nie (FALSE). Zaznacz znakiem (X) odpowiedniĢ rubrykħ w tabeli. Za kaŇdĢ poprawnĢ odpowiedŅ otrzymasz 1 punkt. TRUE FALSE 2.1. BBC News Online does not have a large collection of photographs. 2.2. The BBC picture editor publishes the best picture on Fridays. 2.3. You can only send images showing global problems. 2.4. You have to submit single pictures only. 2.5. You can send images taken with a mobile phone. 2.6. You shouldnÓt include any background information about the pictures you are sending. Zadanie 3. (5 pkt) Zapoznaj siħ ze zdaniami podanymi poniŇej. Usþyszysz dwukrotnie opis ceremonii Ļlubnej. Z podanych moŇliwoĻci odpowiedzi wybierz wþaĻciwĢ, zgodnĢ z treĻciĢ usþyszanych informacji. ZakreĻl literħ A, B, C lub D. Za kaŇdĢ poprawnĢ odpowiedŅ otrzymasz 1 punkt. 3.1. PavarottiÓs wedding took place A. at church. B. at the theatre. C. in a park. D. at the office. Strona 2 z 12 3.2. PavarottiÓs second wife used to be A. a singer. B. a celebrity. C. a student. D. a shop assistant. 3.3. At the ceremony, the bride wore A. a Versace dress. B. an Armani dress. C. a dress from Panama. D. a dress designed in Modena. 3.4. Among the wedding guests there were A. three other tenors. B. two other tenors. C. four other tenors. D. no tenors at all. 3.5. Andrea Bocelli sang the Ave Maria A. instead of giving a gift. B. to make donation to a charity. C. especially for the bride. D. during the civil ceremony. ROZUMIENIE TEKSTU CZYTANEGO Zadanie 4. (5 pkt) Przeczytaj poniŇszy tekst i przyporzĢdkuj czħĻciom 4.1.-4.5. tytuþy oznaczone A.-F. Jeden z tytuþw nie pasuje do Ňadnej czħĻci. Wpisz odpowiednie litery w kratki. Za kaŇdĢ poprawnĢ odpowiedŅ otrzymasz 1 punkt. 4.1. The place where people meet socially in England is a pub. A typical English pub is one of the most wonderful places on the Earth. When you go through the door, you enter a totally different world. 4.2. Comfortable, pleasantly-looking furniture, including sofas as well as armchairs, woollen, patterned carpets everywhere, a great range of delicious drinks and snacks and - first of all Î people who make the atmosphere of the place unique. 4.3. Englishmen spend there a lot of their free time. While drinking beer, whisky, or simply soft drinks they chat with others, play darts or pool. An English pub is really a good choice of place for having some fun. 4.4. You can not only relax there and drink some pints of delicious British ale or bitter, but also you can pick up some colloquial phrases and expressions that you would never learn on a language course. 4.5. Pubs throughout England are open from 11 a.m. till 11 p.m., however, Englishmen themselves are not satisfied with it. This custom has its origin in the times of the First World War and since then it has become a tradition, which you are not allowed to change. Adapted from Country of Mysteries and Surprises, A. Adamczyk, The Teacher, 8/9 2003 Strona 3 z 12 A. ENTERTAINMENT B. GETTING TO KNOW ENGLISH C. MOST DELICIOUS DRINKS ON EARTH D. TWELVE HOURS IS NOT ENOUGH E. THE BEST PLACE TO MEET FRIENDS F. THE LOOK INSIDE 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. Zadanie 5. (10 pkt) Przeczytaj poniŇszy tekst. W czħĻci I na podstawie informacji zawartych w tekĻcie zdecyduj, ktre zdania (5.1.-5.8.) sĢ prawdziwe (TRUE), a ktre faþszywe (FALSE). Zaznacz znakiem (X) odpowiedniĢ rubrykħ w tabeli. W czħĻci II w zdaniach 5.9. i 5.10. z podanych moŇliwoĻci wybierz wþaĻciwĢ, zgodnĢ z tekstem. ZakreĻl literħ A, B, C lub D.. Za kaŇdĢ poprawnĢ odpowiedŅ otrzymasz 1 punkt. The history of Marks and Spencer goes back to the late nineteenth century. In 1880 Michael Marks, a Jewish immigrant from Poland, arrived in Leeds. At that time, he was unable to read or write in English. Trying to earn some money, he walked from door to door and sold small things of little value for just a penny. Two years later, he could afford to rent a stall at LeedsÓ Kirkgate Market and became popular with working-class shoppers. His customers taught him that quality and value for money were the most important selling points. The business was growing and shoppers visited other locations outside Leeds. Marks travelled a lot between his new shops and he needed a business partner who could take over some duties and also bring more capital to the company. In 1894, he was joined by Thomas Spencer, who brought ¢300 in the business. They bought a house in Manchester and opened the first Marks and Spencer Penny Bazaar on its ground floor. The two men worked well together and they were very successful. Marks dealt with selling new products and travelled around the country visiting stores, while Spencer was responsible for the administration of the business. Several years later the company was making a lot of money and their staff numbered more than 200 people. In 1903 they decided to officially register the company as Marks and Spencer Limited with a capital of 30 000 one pound shares. Today, Marks and Spencer is a consumer-friendly clothing company. Apart from buying good quality clothes, you can return new items bought at any of their shops within an indefinite period of time just showing the receipt. Additionally, their stores offer a unique shopping atmosphere, where one can take a break while shopping and relax over a cup of tea at the shop coffee bar. Strona 4 z 12 Adapted from Made in England Î Marks and Spencer, A. WĢsowski, ELT The Teacher 1(5)2003 CzħĻę I: TRUE FALSE 5.1 In 1880 Marks had a good command of English. 5.2 Marks had a few shops in the centre of Leeds. 5.3 Marks didnÓt believe in quality and value for money. 5.4 SpencerÓs initial capital was ¢300. 5.5 Marks and Spencer opened their first shop in Manchester. 5.6 Spencer took care of the companyÓs sales. 5.7 The company was registered eight years after Spencer joined Marks. 5.8 You can have some tea or coffee while shopping at M&S. CzħĻę II: 5.9. The text A. tells the story of a friendship. B. is an overview of the famous shopping centres in England. C. describes a business career. D. explains why Marks and Spencer is a consumer-friendly company. 5.10. The text is part of A. a letter to a magazine. B. a magazine article. C. a leaflet. D. an adventure story. Zadanie 6. (5 pkt) Przeczytaj uwaŇnie poniŇsze opisy muzew w Londynie (A-G). Nastħpnie odpowiedz na pytania (6.1.-6.5.) podane w tabeli, wpisujĢc odpowiednie litery w kratki obok kaŇdego pytania. Dwa opisy podane zostaþy dodatkowo i nie pasujĢ do Ňadnego pytania. Za kaŇdĢ poprawnĢ odpowiedŅ otrzymasz 1 punkt. A. The British Museum This is home to the largest ancient Egyptian collection outside Cairo. Marvel at African textiles, discover what Afghanistan was like before it was a war zone, admire Japanese art. Fantastic museum to spend all day in, and there is no charge! B. Tate Modern It is situated on the bank of the Thames. Opened in 2000, this museum is already one of the finest international modern art museums in the world. If the art by Warhol, Picasso and others doesnÓt impress you, then the building will - it is a disused power station. C. The Science Museum and the Natural History Museum These are a must for any visitor to London with an interest in the world around them. The two museums are situated next door to each other so you can visit both at the same time. There are lots of interactive exhibits, so the kids wonÓt get bored. Strona 5 z 12 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |